'Plane' - Movie Review

"Plane" is a very utilitarian action movie. It starts by setting up the characters, including pilot Brodie Torrance (Gerard Butler) and prisoner-in-transport Louis Gaspare (Mike Coulter). Amazingly, Butler gets to speak in his native Scottish accent (if you look at his acting history, he's mostly spoken "American").

While it felt like they had put considerable effort into making the details of our character's working in the cockpit of the plane accurate, in other areas there were numerous continuity errors (I wasn't trying to find them, but some were quite obvious). The most annoying one was in a long conversation between Torrance and his co-pilot (Yoson An), every second shot of An had him without his safety harness on - even though they were experiencing extreme turbulence. Then it would cut back again, and he'd be harnessed properly. Back and forth.

They land - badly - on a small island in the Philippines. One that's controlled by rebels, who are far more interested in hostages and money than rescuing the passengers. (I'm not telling you anything that isn't in the trailer.) Torrance and Gaspare work together in an attempt to free the other passengers.

As I said, utilitarian. With the exception of the continuity errors and some sloppy science, it's not bad: there are fights, dramatic moments, rescues, etc. The kind of people who like this sort of thing will probably enjoy this - you know who you are.