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The nearby plaque says: "THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE MARITIME WIRELESS TELEGRAPH SYSTEM. The first Canadian marine station of the Marconi Wireless Telegraph Company was established here in 1904, one of six installations inaugurating radio communication between ships at sea and the coast. In the following years, this system of marine stations grew as the wireless telegraph became an indispensable complement to existing navigational tools, improving safety on Canada's coastal and inland waters. The importance of this new technology led the Federal Government to regulate the airwaves as early as 1905, setting the stage for later laws governing wireless communication and radio broadcasting." That's a bit dull. I thought I read when I was there that Marconi was there and this was one of the earliest sites of a trans-Atlantic broadcast (~1904).

Image 20170910.1340849.GO.FZ1000.web.jpg, size 433310 b
Image #20170910.1340849.GO.FZ1000
Photo © 2017, Giles Orr 
Last modified: 2017-10-25 by giles